What is Prominent Ear surgery?
Otoplasty can dramatically change a person’s appearance simply by making protruding ears look more normal. Often, an undeveloped middle fold of the ear causes the problem. There may be other deformities as well, making it necessary to perform several procedures on the ear at the same time.
Who is a suitable candidate for ear surgery?
One or more of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for prominent ear surgery: -
· Protruding ears
· Large ears
· Abnormally shaped ears
Otoplasty can reshape the ears, reduce their size, make them more symmetrical, and/or position them closer to the head. If you (or your child) are self-conscious about your ears, and always keep them covered with your hair, then this surgery can open up new possibilities for changing your appearance and your body image.
How is Prominent Ear surgery procedure performed?
Beginning with an incision just behind the ear, in the natural fold where the ear is joined to the head the surgeon will remove the necessary amounts of cartilage & skin required to achieve the right effect. Cartilage may be thinned, shaping it into a more desirable form and then secured with sutures. In other instances, the surgeon will not remove any cartilage at all, using stitches to hold the cartilage permanently in place. After sculpting the cartilage to the desired shape, the surgeon will apply sutures to anchor the ear until healing occurs to hold the ear in the desired shape & position
Duration of operation 45-60 min (local anaesthesia for the adults and general anaesthesia for the kids)
Hospital stay - Usually not necessary
What to expect immediately after surgery
Soft dressings applied to the ears will remain for a few days. Most patients experience some mild discomfort; you cannot put any pressure on the ear areas & should sleep on your back. Headbands are sometimes recommended to hold the ears in the desired position for two weeks after the surgery.
How long will it be before I can get back to my normal life?
Adults and children are usually up and around a few hours after surgery, although you may prefer to stay overnight in the hospital with a child until all the effects of general anesthesia wear off. The patient’s head will be wrapped in a bulking bandage to promote the best molding and healing. The ears may throb or ache a little for a few days, but this can be relieved by medication. Within a few days, a lighter head dressing similar to a headband will replace your bulky bandages. Stitches are usually removed, or will dissolve, in about a week. Any activity in which the ear might be bent should be avoided for a month or so.
When can I return to work after ear surgery?
Most adults can go back to work about five days after surgery. Children can go back to school after seven days or so. Physical activity should be monitored. You may want to ask your child's teacher to keep an eye on the child for a few weeks.
Will ear surgery affect my hearing?
No. Only the outer ear is operated on, not the middle or inner ear, where hearing takes place.
Are the results of ear surgery long lasting?
Yes, results are usually permanent, although there is always some small amount of "springing back" of the ears due to the elastic recoil of the ear cartilage.
Can ear surgery be performed without scar?
Scars are part of the healing process and usually scars from ear surgery are hidden in the natural crease at the back of the ear, so they are not visible. By following the surgeons’ guidelines, with time they will fade and become barely visible. Some heroic methods without a scar do not give effective results.
In many cases, ear surgery has the effect of creating more of a ‘normal’ appearance so that the ears lie neatly and close to the side of the head, which keeps the scar hidden behind the ear.
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What is ear surgery?
Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, can improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. A defect in the ear structure that is present at birth or that becomes apparent with development can be corrected by otoplasty. This procedure can also treat misshapen ears caused by injury.
Otoplasty creates a more natural shape while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face. Correction of even minor deformities can have profound benefits to appearance and self-esteem. If protruding or disfigured ears bother you or your child, you may consider plastic surgery.
What can ear surgery treat?
Overly large ears – a condition called macrotia
Protruding ears occurring on one or both sides in varying degrees – not associated with hearing loss
Adult dissatisfaction with previous ear surgery